Monday, October 6, 2014

Midas Touch

I'm wearing:

1. Black leather jacket, from Forever 21.
2. T-shirt in gold metallic jersey, from Asos.
3. Super slim fit jeans in indigo, from H&M.
4. Gold Converse shoes, from RagTag Japan.
5. Spiked bracelet, from Pull & Bear.
6. Starfish bracelet, from Rose Wholesale.
7. Rings, from H&M.
References, references... Now those are a big deal. In order to understand something or someone you should always aim to get their references first. For instance, with people, which music they like, what books are they reading, movies or TV series they love, places they go often... And the list goes on and on. 

All the things I mentioned above help to build an almanac of references that people use within their everyday lives and/or the things they produce in life. One of my favorite definitions for creativity goes something like this: creativity isn't about finding the newest, grandest, discovery, it's more about re-interpretating what already exist and showcase it in a new way. I love that idea because it makes me feel like I can still contribute with something, I can still leave a mark on history.

I could've gone with a different title for this outfit post but something about referencing the "Midas touch" to talk about garments that include gold as a color seemed cooler. The t-shirt, accessories and sneakers have that small Midas touch in them and, in case you're not familiar with who Midas was, he's part of Greek mythology and was supposed to turn everything into gold with the slightest touch of his hands. Pretty interesting, huh?

// Referencias, referencias... Son muy importantes. Para poder entender algo o a alguien, siempre deberían apostar por, primeramente, comprender sus referencias. Por ejemplo, con la gente, qué música les gusta, qué libros están leyendo, películas o series de TV que aman, los lugares que frecuentan... Y la lista sigue y sigue.

Todas las cosas que mencioné arriba ayudan a construir un almanaque de referencias que la gente utiliza en su vida diaria y/o en las cosas que producen. Una de mis definiciones favoritas de creatividad va más o menos así: creatividad no se trata de encontrar el hilo negro, es más acerca de reinterpretar lo que ya existe y mostrarlo en una forma distinta. Amo esa idea porque me hace sentir que aún puedo contribuir con algo, aún puedo dejar mi huella en la historia.

Pude haber elegido un título diferente para este post de atuendo pero hubo algo en la referencia del "toque de Midas" para hablar de ropa que incluye dorado que me pareció brillante. La playera, accesorios y tennis tienen ese pequeño toque de Midas en ellos y, en caso de que no estén familiarizados con quién era Midas, él es parte de la mitología griega y se suponía que todo lo que tocara, aún ligeramente, se convertía en oro. Interesante ¿no?
Love always, 

Currently listening: Victoria Justice - Gold.


  1. Amazing photos mate, absolutely in love with the outfit, it's such an interesting title the Midas touch 2 name ur outfit, as it's true 2 little details on ur look, the shoes are definitely Midas and so stunning <3 <3 I love wot u think about creativity as that's wot i also think 2 myself xx Have a lovely weekend, matey xx

  2. Thanks Lenny! The shoes I got from a thrift store in Tokyo and I love them <33 Remember, be creative, reinterpret things and always find the coolest references out there, they're a big deal (;


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