This has been one of my favourite quotes and, quite frankly, life mottos for a very, very long time. I'm going to jump on the memory train and transport us back to when I was 14-17 and didn't really like myself. I had self-esteem issues and I thought the only way of compensating them was being mean to people. I was awful to so many of my classmates and friends for no reason other than they allowing me to be like that.
I had a change of heart and decided to become something different, someone better, a greater version of myself. That was the moment I tried hard to be nice to everyone, really, every single person out there. Be the kind of person you'd like to meet. Imagine for a second that you're not you, that you're someone else, would you like to hang out with you (the real you)? Would you like that person?
I think this is really important. Treat others the way you'd treat yourself; if you can't find a person who fulfils all of your ideals, then become that ideal person. Choose yourself, be nicer, be gentle, be a romantic. Stop wasting energy on petty things, be the bigger person, it's so much easier than being mean and, believe me when I say this, you'll feel relieved and at ease because the only person you're trying to change will be yourself.
// Ésta ha sido una de mis frases y, siendo honestos, filosofías de vida favoritas por mucho, mucho tiempo. Voy a brincar en el tren de los recuerdos y transportarnos a cuando tenía 14-17 años y no me caía muy bien. Tenía problemas de autoestima y creía que la única forma de compensarlos era siendo malo con la gente. Fui terrible con tantos de mis compañeros y amigos por ninguna razón otra que no fuera que ellos me lo permitían.
Tuve un cambio de corazón y decidí convertirme en algo diferente, alguien mejor, una mejor versión de mí. Ése fue el momento donde intenté arduamente ser amable con todos, realmente, con todas las personas en el mundo. Sé el tipo de persona que te gustaría conocer. Imaginen por un segundo que ustedes no son ustedes, que son alguien más, ¿serían amigos de ustedes (de su verdadero yo)? ¿Se caerían bien?
Creo que esto es muy importante. Traten a los demás como se tratarían a ustedes mismos; si no pueden encontrar a alguien que llene todos sus ideales, entonces ustedes conviértanse en esa persona ideal. Elíjanse a ustedes, sean más amables, más cuidadosos, sean románticos. Dejen de gastar energía en cosas tontas y sean mejores personas, es mucho más fácil que ser malo y, créanme cuando les digo esto, se sentirán aliviados y tranquilos porque la única persona que intentarán cambiar será ustedes mismos.

Love always,
I had a change of heart and decided to become something different, someone better, a greater version of myself. That was the moment I tried hard to be nice to everyone, really, every single person out there. Be the kind of person you'd like to meet. Imagine for a second that you're not you, that you're someone else, would you like to hang out with you (the real you)? Would you like that person?
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