Every week, the admins choose 20 posts from different blogs around the world and the result is "Links à la Mode"; if you're selected, the main idea is to share the other links on a post and show some love to the bloggers out there, they're making a marvelous effort to entertain their audience.
This was the first time I applied and, in a cool twist of fate, actually got selected so, without further ado, I'll share some thoughts from Taylor Davies, an editor at IFB:
// Como quizá se habrán dado cuenta (si checaron las plataformas en línea en las que tengo presencia en la parte derecha de esta página) soy miembro de los Independent Fashion Bloggers (IFB), esta comunidad ha sido una gran manera de conocer a otros bloggeros y ver muchísimos blogs distintos al mío.
Cada semana, los administradores eligen veinte posts de distintos blogs alrededor del mundo y el resultado es "Links à la Mode"; si te seleccionan, la idea principal es compartir los links de los otros elegidos y, de esta forma, darles un poco de amor, están haciendo un esfuerzo bien padre por mostrar y compartir sus ideas para entretener a su audiencia.
Ésta es la primera vez que apliqué y, en un buen giro de la fortuna, quedé entre los seleccionados. Así, sin más que decir, comparto unas palabras de Taylor Davies, editora en IFB:

- Attire Club: The Professional Way To Choose Colors For Your Clothes
- Chocolate Laced: 6 Ways To Use Pinterest for Style Inspiration
- Dress Code: High Fashion: The (Illustrated) History of Chloe Part 1/2: 1952-2001
- Fashion Moriarty: Galliano’s New Gig
- Fawkeshunter: Think Fast Fashion
- Girl Scout: White Here White Now
- I’m an Airhead: Practical Prom Part I: Practical.
- IFB: Your February 2013 IFB Conference Roster Revealed!
- Informed Style: Gehry Tiffany Rings
- Mis Papelicos: Building A Better Blog
- More Mascara Please: Mixing Patterns (Under $100 Challenge)
- Oh Seven Days: Hometown Talent – Malorie Urbanovitch
- Pardon My Fashion: Dark Triad
- Pinque Blog: So You Wanna Be A Fashion Blogger
- Runaway in LA: Quiz – Which Gossip Girl is Your Style?
- Style Curated: High Heel Shoes part I: Anatomy of the Heel
- The Girl With The Bun: 3 Hats To Top off an Outfit
- The Style Note: 12 Trends That Should Stay in 2012
- Two Take On Style: The Lowdown on Shapewear
- Undercover Dress-Up Lover: Bees
Thanks IFB team for choosing me and good luck to all the other bloggers.
Love, Hen.
Congrats Hen! Sounds like fun...
Thank you! It is! XXXX