1. Sunglasses, from Aldo.
2. 'Kitsune' t-shirt, from a Korean shop in Korea (forgot the brand!)
3. Plaid shirt, from H&M.
4. PowerFlex jeans in indigo wash, from Pepe Jeans London.
5. White sneakers, from Gola Classics.
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L.12.12 Leather Sneakers, from Lacoste / T-shirt tee, from Rag & Bone / Sylvain Thebes shirt, from Theory / Premium vintage Holden hybrid slim jeans, from Citizens of Humanity. |

A wise Canadian philosopher once said: Why do you have to go and make things so complicated? I see the way you're acting like you're somebody else, gets me frustrated. Life's like this: you fall and you crawl and you break and you take what you get and you turn it into honesty. Sounds familiar? It might seem like I'm quoting an Avril Lavigne's song for no apparent reason, she's right. She's so right.
We go through life meeting people, getting involved in situations and, quite often, creating trouble or being sucked into it. The real problem here, and I've learned this the hard way, is engaging into fights, into drama, creating a storm where there's no need for one. I believe that we must choose our battles carefully, I'm not saying that it's a bad thing to be passionate, that's not it at all, I'm saying that it's important to learn when to fight and understand that life shouldn't be that complicated.
A few days ago, I posted a video on YouTube talking about a traumatic event I experienced and I received a lot of support from viewers, subscribers, friends, but that didn't exempt me from being bullied by some people out there. I'm gonna be honest: it's tough to hear a hurtful nasty thing about you but I also decided not to engage and fight, because in life you fall, you crawl, you break and, you know what? It's up to you to put the pieces back together and keep going strong, to surround yourself with people that stand by you and, instead of complicating a situation, lift you up and allow you to fly.
// Una sabia profeta canadiense dijo una vez: Why do you have to go and make things so complicated? I see the way you're acting like you're somebody else, gets me frustrated. Life's like this: you fall and you crawl and you break and you take what you get and you turn it into honesty. ¿Les suena familiar? Quizá suene a que estoy citando una canción de Avril Lavigne por ninguna razón aparente, pero tiene razón. Tiene tanta razón.
Vamos por la vida conociendo gente, involucrándonos en situaciones y, bastante seguido, creando problemas o siendo arrastrados a éstos. El gran problema aquí, y he aprendido esto a la mala, es involucrarse en las peleas, en el drama, crear una tormenta en un vaso de agua. Creo que debemos elegir nuestras batallas con mucho cuidado, no digo que sea malo ser apasionado, no es eso, a lo que me refiero es a que debemos aprender cuándo pelear y entender que la vida no debe ser tan complicada.
Hace un par de días publiqué un video en YouTube hablando de un evento traumático que me sucedió y recibí mucho apoyo de la gente que lo vio, de subscriptores y amigos, pero eso no me dio inmunidad a ser bulleado por algunas personas allá afuera. Voy a ser honesto: es difícil escuchar una cosa cruel y mala sobre ti pero también decidí no involucrarme y pelear porque en la vida te caes, te arrastras, te rompes y ¿saben qué? Está en nosotros volver a poner las piezas juntas y seguir fuertes, rodearnos de gente que nos apoye y que, en lugar de complicar las situaciones, te levanten y permitan volar.

Photographer: Luis.
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