Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Hero Items (in collaboration with H&M)

hero items collaboration hm
hero items collaboration hm 5 I'm wearing:

1. Biker leather jacket in black, from H&M.
2. Tank top in beige, from H&M.
3. Rings, also from H&M.
4. Super skinny jeans in black, from Dark Future.
5. Samba sneakers in black, from Adidas.
6. Crystal necklace in black, from Swarovski.
Get a similar look with East Dane
L.12.12 Leather sneakers, from Lacoste / OG Biker jacket, from MKI / Rugger tee, from Zanerobe / Tight jeans, from Cheap Monday.   

hero items collaboration hm 3 We all have certain pieces in our wardrobe that are true lifesavers, you know, those things that are go-to's, that make you look and feel great and that are timeless; I call those hero items; since they have the power to turn any outfit into a great one and are a clear extension of your personality. A hero item is like a piece of clothing that helps you feel like you and one that you can't live without.

Today, I'm going to focus on one that has been my hero item for quite a while now: the biker jacket. Some of my friends tell me that I have too many biker jackets in my closet (I think I have 7 or 8), but, they're that one piece that makes me feel like me and one that, I'm completely certain and it's scientifically proven, makes me look handsome. So, no matter what, I'm always going to have one in my closet. The one featured on this post is my current favourite, it comes from H&M and I love the jackets from there because of the slim fit, plus the quality is really great and they're affordable, haha.

Think about what your hero items are; take a look in the mirror and figure out what are those garments that are your go-to's and the ones you constantly wear on a daily basis. Those are the pieces that it's okay to splurge on, because you will wear them a lot and have them on your wardrobe for ages. Hero items must be classic, timeless and versatile, they're the core of your closet and you build up different outfits based on them. Pick and invest on them wisely and you'll be fine, I promise (:

// Todos tenemos ciertas piezas en nuestro guardarropa que son verdaderos salvavidas, ya saben, esas cosas a las que siempre recurrimos, que nos hacen ver y sentir muy bien y que son atemporales; yo les llamo prendas héroe; ya que tienen el poder de convertir cualquier atuendo en un grandioso y son una clara extensión de nuestra personalidad. Una prenda héroe es aquélla que te ayuda a sentirte como tú y una sin la que no podrías vivir.

Hoy me voy a enfocar en algo que ha sido mi prenda héroe por un buen rato: la chamarra motociclista. Algunos de mis amigos me dicen que tengo demasiadas chamarras motociclistas en mi clóset (creo que tengo 7 u 8) pero, son esa prenda que me hace sentir como yo y una que, estoy completamente seguro y está científicamente comprobado, me hace ver guapo. Así que, sin importar lo que suceda, siempre voy a tener una en mi clóset. La que uso en este post es mi favorita actual, viene de H&M y amo las chamarras de ahí porque son entalladas, además la relación precio/calidad es excelente, jaja.

Piensen en cuáles son sus prendas héroe; vayan a mirarse en el espejo y encuentren qué ropa es a la que siempre acuden y la que usan constantemente en vida diaria. Esas con las piezas en las que está bien gastar mucho, porque las vas a usar mucho y las tendrás en tu guardarropa por un buen rato. Las prendas héroe deben ser clásicas, atemporales y versátiles, son el núcleo de tu clóset y la base para muchos atuendos distintos. Elijan e inviertan sabiamente en ellas y les irá bien, se los prometo (:
hero items collaboration hm 4 hero items collaboration hm 6 hero items collaboration hm 7 hero items collaboration hm 2 Love always,

Photographer: Alex Ivanisevic, from MexAlex.

Currently listening: Seventeen - Boom Boom.

1 comment:

  1. Love the look and a great post! You should check out our blog post on the history of the biker jacket and you'll find loads of street style advice as well!


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