I'm wearing:
1. BLUE oversized peacoat, from Maison Martin Margiela.
2. Plaid shirt in BLUE and red, from H&M.
3. BLUE t-shirt, from H&M.
4. Brown waffled sweater, from Pull & Bear.
5. BLUE super skinny jeans, from H&M.
6. Brown suede boots, from Frank Wright Shoes.
7. Hair lock necklace, from Maison Martin Margiela.
8. Seven dwarfs ring, thrifted from Los Angeles.

Today's a very special date: it's the World Water Day. The United Nations (UN) have devoted every 22nd of March to recommend and promote activities within their countries regarding the world's water resources. A different theme is selected each year and the 2014 one is: Water and Energy, it's all about the direct relationship between them; energy generation and transmission requires the use of water and, conversely, a great deal of the global energy is used for treating and transporting water to various countries and locations.
The Giorgio Armani team approached me and asked me to put together a blue outfit to support their "Aqua For Life" movement, in which they donate 100 liters of drinkable water to children in need with every bottle of Acqua Di Gio. If you want to be a part of this cause, upload a photo to Instagram wearing something blue and add the hashtag #AcquaForLife; and if you want to know more about the World Water Day, visit their official website here.
I chose to wear my blue oversized peacoat in a layered look that includes a plaid shirt, blue t-shirt, blue super skinny jeans, boots and a sweater tied on my waist. As you can see, it's really cold in Seoul and there's snow everywhere. I'm in love with this weather. And this is also the perfect example of how to layer clothes, a topic I discussed previously on the blog, click here to revisit that. I hope you decide to help this cause and learn a bit of what World Water Day is all about. If you have any ideas to share or questions, the comment section is all yours!
// Hoy es una fecha muy especial: es el Día Mundial del Agua. Las Naciones Unidas han dedicado cada 22 de marzo para recomendar y promover actividades que tengan que ver con el agua del mundo dentro de sus países. Un tema diferente es seleccionado para cada año y en 2014 es: Agua y Energía, se trata de la relación directa entre ambos; generar y transmitir energía requiere el uso de agua y, a su vez, gran parte de la energía global se utiliza para tratar y transportar agua a distintos países y localidades.
El equipo de Giorgio Armani se acercó y me pidió armar un atuendo azul apara apoyar su movimiento "Acqua For Life", donde por cada botella de Acqua Di Gio que vendan, se donarán 100 litros de agua potable a niños de escasos recursos. Si quieren unirse a esta causa, suban una foto a Instagram usando algo azul y añadan un gatito con #AcquaForLife; y si quieren saber más sobre el Día Mundial del Agua, visiten su sitio oficial aquí.
Elegí usar mi abrigo azul gigantesco en un atuendo en capas que incluye una camisa granjera, playera azul, jeans super entubados azules, botas y un sweater anudado a mi cintura. Como pueden ver, el frío está fuerte en Seoul y hay nieve por todos lados. Amo este clima. Y, además, este es un perfecto ejemplo de como armar un atuendo en capas, un tema que discutí no hace mucho en el blog, hagan click aquí para revisitar eso. Espero decidan ayudar esta causa y aprender un poquito del Día Mundial del Agua. Si tienen preguntas o ideas para compartir, la sección de comentarios es suya (:

Go blue! Love always,
Photographed by me.
Currently listening: Sugar + the Hi-Lows - I've Got You Covered.
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