Saturday, March 29, 2014

The City of Paju

I'm wearing:

1. Black slim fit blazer with studs, from Zara.
2. Cowl neck varsity hoodie, from Asos.
3. Super slim fit jeans, from H&M.
4. Sequined sneakers, from Vans.
5. Oversized clubmasters, from Ray Ban.
6. Spiked bracelet, from Pull & Bear.

During my stay in Korea, I haven't had the chance to visit many cities within the country. I went to Busan, which is like the ugly sister of Seoul but with beaches and a cool seaside temple, click on the links to revisit my time there; and now I had the opportunity to check out Paju, a small north western city famous for holding several military bases, the English villages and a huge Premium Outlet.

Truth be told, I went there mainly for the outlet, hehe, (as if my shopping sprees in Seoul weren't enough) and found out that there's not really a lot of things for middle class customers. A lot of Koreans go there for high-end brands that offer huge discounts (like something worth 30,000 dollars being priced now at 18,000. YAY). So, I saw this as an opportunity to relax and enjoy the little things a small city has to offer.

It was snowing, that was pretty cool. I ate the most average burger I've ever had (in Johnny Rockets), found that my choice of shoes wasn't appropriate, as you can see in the photos but, other than that, going to Paju was pretty cool. None of my roomies or friends wanted to join because it was a 2-hour drive from Seoul but hey, I was up for the challenge. So, if you're ever in South Korea, be sure to check out Paju and, I'm sure, you'll love their minimalistic sense of architecture and cool weather.

// Durante mi estancia en Korea, no he podido visitar muchas ciudades dentro del país. Fui a Busan, que es como la hermana fea de Seoul pero con playa y un templo padre a la orilla del mar, hagan click en los links para revivir mi tiempo ahí; y ahora tuve la oportunidad de ver Paju, una pequeña ciudad al noroeste que es famosa por albergar muchas bases militares, las English villages y un gran Premium Outlet.

Siendo honestos, fui ahí principalmente por el outlet, jeje, (como si mis viajes de compras en Seoul no fueran suficiente) y descubrí que no hay muchas cosas para clientes de clase media. Muchos coreanos van ahí por las marcas de diseñador que ofrecen descuentos gigantes (como cosas de 30,000 dólares ahora en 18,000. YAY). Así que vi esto como una oportunidad para relajarme y disfrutar los detalles que una pequeña ciudad tiene para ofrecer.

Estaba nevando, eso estuvo padre. Comí la hamburguesa mas equis de la historia (en Johnny Rockets) y descubrí que mi elección de calzado no fue la adecuada (como pueden ver en las fotos) pero, fuera de eso, ir a Paju estuvo buena onda. Ninguno de mis roomies o amigos quiso unirse porque era un viaje de 2 horas desde Seoul pero, hey, yo sí me animé. Así que, si alguna vez van a Corea del Sur, échenle un ojo a Paju, estoy seguro que les encantará su sentido minimalista de arquitectura y el clima es lo máximo.
Love always,

Photographed by me.

Currently listening: Selena Gomez - Slow Down.


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