Somehow, being weirdly trapped at home has put a stop into my life plans, partly because I'm unable to do many things but also because it seems as if certain parts of the world and the things I see seem to have stopped or taken a pause. I believe there are two ways of looking at this: when things stop, you get sad, you get frustrated and, therefore, stop everything around you (I've been doing that and it's not getting me anywhere) AND, here's the money, the second approach, which consists on changing your focus onto the processes that are in motion and finding a way to keep moving.
The current global situation isn't nice, it's not pretty and, quite frankly, I hate everything about it. Things are more expensive, my work and partnerships with brands have been slowed down to amoeba speed, my sense of privacy has been deeply distorted and, last but never least, my emotional health has taken a toll. I thought that since people would be stuck at home, they'd be more appreciative of internet content (my content) but it's not the case, I'm still struggling, I'm still figuring things out and it's super frustrating.
Changing my focus and staying positive is so easy to say, so easy to think, but it's hard to put that in motion, to start something new. However, what else is there to do? If you fail, try and try again and, when your consequent attempts fail the target, try and try and try harder. I need that to be my motto, to keep myself motivated, to rebuilt and strengthen the parts of my that have been shattered in the past year or so. Let us try and try and try and try things, rebuild ourselves, it's the best we can do to survive.
Love always,

En cierta forma, estar extrañamente atrapado en casa ha detenido mis planes de vida, parcialmente porque no puedo hacer muchas cosas pero, también, porque parecería que ciertas partes del mundo y las cosas que veo aparentan haberse congelado o tomado una pausa. Creo que hay dos formas distintas de ver esta situación: cuando las cosas se detienen, te pones triste, te frustras y, por tanto, detienes todo a tu alrededor (yo he estado haciendo eso y no me está llevando a ningún lado) Y, aquí va lo bueno), el segundo enfoque, que consiste en cambiar el foco de atención hacia los procesos que sí se mueven y encontrar la manera de seguir adelante.
La actual situación global no es buena, no es bonita y, siendo honestos, odio todo al respecto. Las cosas son más caras, mi trabajo y alianzas con marcas se han alentado a nivel amiba, mi sentido de privacidad se ha distorsionado enormemente y, por último pero menos importante, mi salud emocional también se ha visto afectada. Pensé que como la gente estaría atrapada en casa, apreciarían más el contenido en internet (mi contenido) pero ese no es el caso, sigo viéndomelas difícil, sigo intentando descifrar las cosas y es súper frustrante.
Cambiar mi foco de atención y mantenerme positivo es tan fácil de decir, tan fácil de pensar, pero es difícil ponerlo en curso, empezar cosas nuevas. Sin embargo, ¿qué otra cosa puedo hacer? Si fallas, intenta de nuevo, intenta de nuevo y, cuando tus intentos consecuentes fallen en dar en el blanco, intenta e intenta con más ganas. Necesito que ese sea mi lema de vida, para mantenerme motivado, para reconstruir y fortalecer las partes de mi vida que se han visto fracturadas en este año que ha pasado. Intentemos e intentemos e intentemos las cosas, reconstruirnos, es lo mejor que podemos hacer para sobrevivir.
Changing my focus and staying positive is so easy to say, so easy to think, but it's hard to put that in motion, to start something new. However, what else is there to do? If you fail, try and try again and, when your consequent attempts fail the target, try and try and try harder. I need that to be my motto, to keep myself motivated, to rebuilt and strengthen the parts of my that have been shattered in the past year or so. Let us try and try and try and try things, it's the best we can do to survive.
Love always,

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