The second part of my Los Angeles trip photo journal is dedicated to shopping. Believe everything your hear about L.A. being a great place to do shopping. It really is. The malls are huge, with fantastic stores and great visual appeal. One of my favourites was THE GROVE, located near Beverly Boulevard: it's completely outdoors, it has giant pinwheels, a pond, an international market with cuisine from all over the world and a train. CHOO CHOO!
My other favourite place to shop and favourite in general was SUNSET BOULEVARD. My, my, it's beautiful like no other place I saw in L.A.; it looks like a fairytale villa mixed with a really nice artistic area. The H&M there was the best, I bought incredibly cool things that I only found there and they had the most amazing sale: Every reduced item has an extra 50% OFF, I have $4 jeans now, and everything was in perfect state and organized. I guess it helps when the headquarters are next door.
If I had to choose a place to live in L.A. it would definitely be Sunset Boulevard. There are cafés and outdoors restaurants everywhere, the houses look amazing and you have a great view, no matter where you're standing. Even the bus stops look great. I MEAN...
// La segunda parte de mi bitácora de fotos en Los Angeles está dedicada a ir de compras. Crean todo lo que les dicen de L.A. sobre ser un gran lugar para comprar. Realmente lo es. Los centros comerciales son enormes, con tiendas fantásticas y visualmente bien padres. Uno de mis favoritos fue THE GROVE (significa ARBOLEDA), localizado cerca de Beverly Boulevard: está al aire libre, tiene un lago, rehiletes gigantes, un mercado de comida internacional y un tren. CHUUUU.
Mi otro lugar favorito para comprar y, favorito en general, fue SUNSET BOULEVARD. ¡Dios! Es bonito como ningún otro lugar que vi en L.A.; parece una villa sacada de cuento mezclada con un área artística muy fancy. El H&M de ahí fue el mejor, compré cosas súper buenas que sólo vi ahí y tenían la mejor rebaja del mundo: 50% de descuento a lo ya rebajado. Tengo jeans de cuatro dólares ahora, y todo estaba en perfecto estado y organizado. Supongo que ayuda tener los cuarteles generales al lado.
Si tuviera que elegir un lugar de Los Ángeles para vivir, definitivamente sería Sunset Boulevard. Hay cafés y restaurantes al aire libre por doquier, las casas son preciosas y tienes una gran vista, sin importar dónde estés parado. Hasta las paradas de autobús se ven bien. O SEA...
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The Grove's very own pond. |

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Even the guy at checkout was incredibly nice, his name was Jürgen, so hi Jürgen! |

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The H&M U.S. headquarters are in that white building. |

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If you're ever in L.A. find a Porto's, they have the best lemonade and cuban sandwiches ever. |
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And again, "reflection me" makes an appearance. |
There will be one last part coming soon. Thanks for reading and
enjoy the pure sales if you're ever in Los Angeles.
Love always, Hen.
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