I'm wearing:
1. Wide brim wool hat, from Wonderplace Korea.
2. Black leather jacket, from Forever 21.
3. Black velvet vest, from H&M.
4. Elvis Presley t-shirt, from Zara.
5. Cream jeans with black side stripes, from Pull & Bear.
6. Black leather lace-up boots, from Asos.

Seoul is the most important city of South Korea and, I'm pretty sure, one of the key places in Asia. It has a little bit of everything: the nightlife is amazing, there are restaurants and cafés everywhere, tons of pretty ladies, good shopping places, COSTCO (with bulgogi pizza, which is the best pizza ever), nice public transportation (with fare fees) and some nice streets to shoot outfit photos.
Ending this month (keeping in mind its theme) with a special review of Seoul seems appropriate. Between the great people I've met and the nice atmosphere I've experienced, I can absolutely say that Seoul is one of the highlights of my whole life. I've had an incredible time in here and I know it's a place I'll miss terribly, since I'll never again be the person I was while being there.
I like the streets of Seoul, they have some pretty cool buildings and it's super safe to take out your tripod and shoot some photos (no burglars in there). Even in a rainy day I felt really comfortable with this outfit. Throw some layers, leather and a huge hat and I'll be a happy man. It also doesn't hurt to carry the King, Mr. Elvis Presley, on my t-shirt. Like I said on a previous post, I love a cool graphic tee. What do you think of the outfit? Furthermore, do you have a city you treasure as much as I do Seoul?
// Seoul es la ciudad más importante de Korea del Sur y, estoy seguro, uno de los lugares claves en Asia. Tiene un poco de todo: la vida nocturna es increíble, hay restaurantes y cafés por todos lados, muchas niñas bonitas, buenos lugares para hacer compras, COSTCO (con pizza de bulgogi, la mejor pizza de la vida), buen transporte público (con precios justos) y algunas calles padres para tomar fotos de atuendos.
Terminar este mes (teniendo en mente su tema) con una crítica especial a Seoul parece algo apropiado. Entre la gente asombrosa que he conocido y la atmósfera buena onda que he experimentado, absolutamente puedo decir que Seoul es una de las mejores cosas que me han pasado. La he pasado increíblemente bien aquí y sé que será un lugar que extrañaré terriblemente, ya que jamás podré volver a ser la persona que era estando ahí.
Me gustan las calles de Seoul, tienen edificios bastante padres y es muy seguro salir y tomar fotos con tu tripié (no asaltos aquí). Aún en un día lluvioso me sentí muy cómodo con este atuendo. Arrojen capas, piel y un sombrero gigante a la mezcla y seré un hombre feliz. Tampoco lastima tener al rey, el señor Elvis Presley, en mi playera. Como dije en un post anterior, amo una buena playera gráfica. ¿Qué opinan del atuendo? Más importante aún, ¿tienen alguna ciudad que atesoren como yo a Seoul?

Love always,
Photographed by me.
Currently listening: Two Door Cinema Club - Sleep Alone.
This is literally perfect - I love everything about your outfit! xo
ReplyDeleteThank you SO much :D
Deleteque lindos pantalones! están geniales!
¡Muchas gracias Alex! (:
DeleteI like the streets of Seoul, they have some pretty cool buildings and it's super safe to take out your tripod and shoot some photos (no burglars in there). Even in a rainy day I felt really comfortable with this outfit. Throw some layers, leather and a huge hat and I'll be a happy man. It also doesn't hurt to carry the King, Mr. Elvis Presley, on my t-shirt. Like I said on a previous post, I love a cool graphic tee. What do you think of the outfit? Furthermore, do you have a city you treasure as much as I do Seoul?
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