Friday, August 4, 2017

Sing It Loud!

sing it loud
sing it loud 5 I'm wearing: 

1. Studded vest in off-white, from H&M.
2. Embroidered t-shirt in blue, from Pull & Bear.
3. Super skinny jeans in black, from Asos.
4. Cloudfoam sneakers, from Adidas Neo.
5. Leather bracelet in blue, from Coach.
6. Rings, from H&M.
Get a similar look with East Dane
Superstar sneakers, from White Mountaineering x Adidas Originals // Utility vest, from Helmut Lang // AMI embroidered crew neck sweatshirt, from AMI // Skinny guy jeans in raw stretch denim, from Naked & Famous.
sing it loud 3
Freedom of speech is the right to articulate opinions and ideas without fear of government retaliation, censorship or societal sanctions, that's a human right. People make statements every single day, small ones come from the way you dress, the way you look, you walk; big ones arrive with political, social, economic declarations, with taking a stand for something. It's unjust to deprive someone from speaking his mind but it seems that nowadays, people are quite judgemental and easily offended by almost everything.

Have you seen this meme that says something about how difficult it is to make a joke that doesn't offend anyone nowadays? I've been thinking about that a lot lately and actually talking about it with a friend that shares a similar point of view as me. My humor is quite raw, sarcasm and inappropriate jokes come handy and I hate that I need to think about everything thrice before speaking because someone might feel offended. For me, it seems like some people are just looking to get offended by the silliest things, that they just want to pick a fight.

In my mind, unless something is said with a mean intention, it's not mean. I say lots of things just for fun but I don't intend to offend people, if I wanted to offend them, I would. That's why I feel like it's fair to express your mind and be who you are, laugh about the things you wanna laugh and, as long as you don't do evil things and intentionally harm others, say what you want to say. Sing it loud. If you need to apologise, do it, but don't stress too much about it, fight for your own mental justice.

// La libertad de expresión es el derecho de articular opiniones e ideas sin miedo a represalias gubernamentales, censura o sanciones sociales, es un derecho humano. La gente hace declaraciones todo el día, pequeñas como la forma de vestir, la forma en que te ves, en que caminas; las grandes llegan en forma de declaraciones políticas, sociales, económicas, con declararte a favor o en contra de algo. Es injusto negarle a alguien la habilidad de decir lo que piensa pero parece que en estos días, las personas juzgan mucho y se ofenden fácilmente por casi todo.

¿Han visto este meme que dice algo sobre lo difícil que es hacer un chiste que no ofenda a alguien recientemente? He estado pensando mucho en eso últimamente y de hecho lo hablaba con una amiga que tiene un punto de vista similar al mío. Mi humor es crudo, con mucho sarcasmo y chistes inapropiados y odio que tengo que pensar todo tres veces antes de decirlo porque alguien puede ofenderse. Para mí, parecería que ciertas personas nada más están buscando una razón para ofenderse por las cosas más triviales, sólo quieren armar broncas.

En mi ente, a menos que algo se diga con una intención malvada, no es malo. Yo digo muchas cosas sólo por diversión pero no es mi intención ofender a los demás, si quisiera ofenderlos, lo haría. Por eso siento que es justo expresar tus pensamientos y ser quien eres, reír de las cosas que te dan risa y, siempre y cuando no hagas cosas malvadas para intencionalmente lastimar a otros, di lo que quieras decir. Cántalo fuerte. Si necesitas pedir disculpas, hazlo, pero tampoco te estreses mucho al respecto, lucha por tu propia justicia mental.
sing it loud 4 sing it loud 2 sing it loud 6 Love always,

Currently listening: Girls' Generation - All Night.

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