I'm wearing:
1. Brown parka, from H&M.
2. Vicious leopard print t-shirt, from New Look.
3. Super skinny jeans in black, from Asos.
4. Chukka sneakers, from American Eagle Outfitters.
5. Rings and brown leather bracelet, from H&M.
Get this look for $87+ on Lookastic: Neon Pink Print Crew-neck T-shirt, Black Skinny Jeans, Tan Leather High Top Sneakers, and Tan Windbreaker

Vicious. vi-cious, adjective, \ˈvi-shəs\:
very violent and cruel; very dangerous; having or showing very angry or cruel feelings.
Sometimes, life requires you to be a little vicious and I mean this in the best possible way. The way I see it, if you're not vicious in certain scenarios, you'll get stomped on by people who aren't necessarily smarter or better qualified fellas but are more clever and have more "street skills". It may sound harsh but it's what life has taught me in recent years.
Let me give you an example, I once was a teacher's assistant and most of our pupils were really mediocre and bad at their assignments. I gave them a tough time while evaluating projects and stuff and, probably, they thought I was being vicious or mean but I always had a reason to be like that. There were talented guys there that were being conformists and I hated that; by being hard on them, I like to think, they grew and put more effort on everything they did. See my point there? It's not about bullying people or acting incredibly mean, it's about being vicious when the situation asks for you to be that way.
And all those ideas come from the fact that I'm wearing a t-shirt with the word "vicious" on it. I bought it precisely because I like that word, I like my interpretation of it and, magically, it matched my hair color on that day, that was extra awesome. I'm wearing my always reliable parka and black skinny jeans with some cool new chukka sneakers from American Eagle Outfitters. I really liked this outfit and the whole vibe that came with the t-shirt. What are your thoughts on this? I'd love to hear from you.
// A veces, la vida requiere que seas un poquito despiadado, y lo digo en el mejor sentido posible. Desde donde lo veo, si no eres despiadado en ciertos escenarios, gente más astuta (no necesariamente más lista o mejor preparada) te va a pisotear porque tienen mayor inteligencia de calle. Quizá suene rudo pero es lo que la vida me ha enseñado.
Déjenme darles un ejemplo, alguna vez fui asistente de profesor y la mayoría de nuestros alumnos eran muy mediocres y malos en sus tareas. Fui rudo con ellos a la hora de evaluar proyectos y cosas así; quizá pensaron que estaba siendo despiadado o malo pero siempre tuve una razón para ser así. Había gente con talento ahí que estaba siendo muy conformista y yo odiaba eso; al ser rudo con ellos, me gusta pensar, crecieron y pusieron más esfuerzo en todo lo que hicieron. ¿Entienden mi punto? No se trata de bullear gente o actuar increíblemente malvado, el chiste es ser despiadado cuando la situación lo amerita.
Y todas esas ideas vienen porque estoy usando una playera con la palabra "vicious" en ella. La compré precisamente porque me gusta la palabra, me gusta mi interpretación de ésta y, mágicamente, combinaba con mi color de cabello en ese día, eso fue extra especial. Estoy usando mi siempre útil parka y jeans entubados negros con unos tennis chukka nuevos de American Eagle Outfitters. En serio me gustó este atuendo y toda la vibra que vino con la playera. ¿Qué opinan al respecto? Me encantaría oír de ustedes.

(Tough) Love always,
Photographer: Luis (@bipomon)
love the outfit, mate. The T's such a cool piece with the vicious word and the print actually remind me of Versace :P and i always wanna try a pink T as well hahah. Being vicious at certain times is necessary in life and i think it really helps us to deal with specific situations like u've been 2 as well as 2 develop a side of anyone's personality. Have a great day, my friend xx
I really think so too. I mean, everything thrown in good measure, of course!